Lift manufacturers introduced during lift operation, maintenance personnel should always check the pump station is running, there is no different from all parts of the motor sound, always check the pump in the running state of shock cases, to ensure the smooth operation of the pump.
Lift manufacturer recommends operating personnel to regularly check the bearing lubrication, fuel oil level is normal, slinger with the pump rotation is flexible, ready to be fully able to guarantee bearing lubrication.
Lift manufacturers remind the oil is normal, bearing temperature is at a predetermined temperature, but also pay attention to current, pressure is normal, bearing temperature is at a predetermined temperature, but also pay attention to current, pressure is normal, to ensure that all parts of the fastening screws have lift no loosening, observe whether the bearing box oil spills, water phenomenon.
Manufacturers usually lift pump station operation mode introduces a standby mode using dual switch operation for shipment after the outage run pump should immediately turn off the pump entrance door, and then close the door spare pump seal water, to ensure the pump cavity there is always water, gray water into the body to prevent the deposition chamber causing the pump impeller and pump impeller is plug fouling pay next time you start to burn and cause motor failure.